As a service to the citizens of Arkansas, the College of Pharmacy operates the Arkansas Poison Control Center. This center is supported through a direct appropriation from the Arkansas Legislature. The mission of the Poison Center is to provide confidential, accurate and up-to-date treatment information on thousands of different poisons and poison situations. The majority of calls received are from the lay public involving poison situations at home. Calls are also received from emergency departments and other healthcare offices. Over 75% of calls from home can be managed on site without treatment in a healthcare facility, but with appropriate treatment recommendations and follow-up by the Center.
Efforts are made to make the Center accessible to all the citizens of Arkansas. The Center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to the community and healthcare professionals, alike. The Center provides a toll free TTY phone line for the hearing impaired. In addition, persons speaking other languages may be assisted through the use of the AT&T Language Line Services.
The Center has a developing education department that addresses both public and professional education needs. The purpose of this department is to educate the public on methods of poison prevention and to educate healthcare professionals on proper treatment of poison situations. In addition, the Center provides emergency drug information to the healthcare professionals in the state and serves as a clinical rotation site for senior pharmacy students.
Resources of the Center include cutting edge computer software programs like Poisindex and Toxicall, and access to primary, secondary and tertiary literature through an in-house library and the Medical Center Library. All these resources assist the well-trained staff of nurses, pharmacists, physicians and support staff in making poison therapy and drug therapy decisions.
In an effort to expand the Center and ensure appropriate care and quality outcomes, the Arkansas Poison Control Center is striving towards Regional Certification by the American Association of Poison Control Centers. This extensive application process is expected to be successfully completed in 2002. ...(Read More)